
“Since we must pattern ourselves and our worldview after
our culture and parents, when that is a disordered system for modeling, we are ourselves disordered in precisely the same way."

- Joseph Chilton Pearce -

What is Imprinting?

Imprinting is memory recorded in the 100’s of trillions of cells in our body in response to what we have genetically inherited at conception and what has overwhelmed and traumatized us during earlier, critical stages of development.

What Makes us Vulnerable for Imprinting?

We are the only animals on the planet that are aware that our physical existence in this lifetime is finite. This awareness informs all of our suffering and subsequent defense mechanisms which are unconscious attempts to mitigate loss and ensure our physical and emotional survival in response to anything that shows up in our environment that we perceive as threatening.
All of our behaviors, perceptions, beliefs and relationship dynamics are being informed by this awareness along with our subsequent trauma imprinting at the cellular level. At the core of our imprinting is self-negation and the deep, unconscious, existential belief that we do not have the right to exist. It is this belief that we are defending against whenever we feel threatened.